

supporting the club’s development and helping it reach new heights. However, reports suggest that Thama Services ended the partnership early due to internal issues within the club. The company’s initial investment in the club included the branding of its jerseys. According to a source close to the matter, the investor did not want to be involved in the club’s internal conflict. The source claims that the investor felt that he had been used to help remove Nare from his position, and that he had received threatening phone calls from supporters of the club.

The same source suggested that the investor did not want to be associated with the instability within the club. Interestingly, the team’s Communications Manager, Ofentse Isaac Mmualefe, denied there is any relationship between Extension Gunners FC and the investor, reiterating that they have not made any announcements regarding any such partnerships. He stated that any reports of an investor leaving the club are false, as the club has not had an investor to begin with.

He also said that the club will not comment on any rumors or speculation. This publication has obtained a voice recording of Nare discussing his feelings about the situation with the club management, the investor, and Coach Mwaanga. In the recording, Nare stated that the club did him wrong by bringing in a veteran coach to work alongside him, and that this was part of a plan to force him out of the club. He reportedly felt that he was being treated unfairly and that the club was not acting in good faith.

According to the voice note, Nare claims that he was the one who brought the investor to the club, with the intention of helping the club reach new heights. However, he is apparently shocked and disappointed that the investor has now sided with the other members of the club’s committee to allegedly force him out of the club.

He says that he has helped the club without asking for anything in return, and he was not expecting to be treated this way. He feels that he should have been consulted before a new assistant coach was hired.





Dikgang Publishing