

Primary school children traumatised by strange sightings They see wild animals that disappear in their eyes They see old people sitting and staring at them Teachers, parents not convinced, Pastor sends warning


When schools closed for year-end vacation last week, allegations flew high and low that students of Lesirane Primary School situated in Tsolamosese, Mogoditshane, were spooked and claimed to be seeing strange things at the school.

According to parents who spoke to this publication, their children claimed to have seen wild animals such as lions in the school. The animals would then change in looks and disappear when the pupils tried to approach or touch them.

Others said their children have told of how they were seeing old men and women sitting and staring at them. This has left the children traumatised so much that they are even calling for their parents to pull them out of school.

“I initially did not pay attention when my children told me they are seeing strange things in school. I thought they are just being children. It is also really confusing because the narration does not make sense at all. But now I am worried because I have heard other parents say the same.” Another shared that their child has not been sleeping well at night and when they asked them what was wrong, they said they are seeing things at school. The worried parents were not sure what to do because what they were told by students seem more like made up stories yet children looked spooked. They do not know how to confront school authorities on the matter without sounding crazy. One teacher at Lesirane Primary School said they are aware that students are allegedly seeing things in school but what shocks them is that none of the affected students has ever come to them to share what is happening. “The kids are not saying anything, we have repeatedly asked them to come to us but all we hear is corridor talk of most of them being traumatised but we cannot really say any student or parent came to us,” the teacher said. When contacted, Director of Education - Kweneng Regional Operations Steve Bothasitse said they are not aware of the matter. “I have heard of such incidents happening elsewhere

but not at Lesirane Primary, that one is news to me.” Bothasitse said this week.

Pastor Nyalalane Gunda who is chairperson of Ministers’ Fraternal Mogoditshane branch advised that parents should listen to their children.

“No child can make up such things, the school and parents have to figure out what is happening. As pastors we are available to host mass prayers at the schools, such things usually happen in schools, they should not take the children for granted, the world is no longer stable,” advised Pastor Gunda.





Dikgang Publishing