
Bakwena revolt against Kgosi Kgari Sechele III

They are too angry to defer to reason


Try as much as they will, Botswana Police will hit a brick wall to convince Bakwena of Molepolole that they are working hard to find justice for Phenyo Jakoba (35) and One Motlhabakgomo (19) who were brutally killed in separate incidents. Bakwena are too angry and emotional to listen to reason. This was evident during the recently-held meeting at the Molepolole kgotla convened by Bakwena paramount,

Kgosi Kgari Sechele lll. The meeting was meant to calm down tempers following riots that erupted in the village after the police found Jakoba’s badly decomposed body, allegedly with some body parts missing. Nonetheless, the Bakwena meeting was like pouring fuel on an already raging fire, most of those who had gathered at the

Kgotla left annoyed and grumpy. And if anything, the only thing that the meeting achieved was to expose very loudly how the community has over the years

lost all trust in their Kgosi. It was more like a gathering that Bakwena had been itching for because when masses began arriving at the Kgotla, the elderly were quick to tell The Midweek Sun that this was the day when Kgosi Sechele will surely hear from them. “He never calls us for meetings, he is just sleeping in that office, when he does convene meetings,

it is not about burning issues like this one of ritual killings. Had he been proactive, Bakwena would have not burnt down the Kgotla like they did last week,” they said. And evidently enough, speaker after speaker when given an opportunity to speak took a swipe at their Kgosi saying the time has now come for them to boldly point fingers at him because he is too relaxed, and the village is burning because of him. The villagers were not in the mood for reason. They even demanded that Kgosi

should use his powers to ensure that all those who were arrested for causing close to a million-pula damage in Molepolole by burning the Kgotla and smashing car windows, are released. They said it was all the Kgosi’s doings together with the police because they took very long to intervene, adding that it was only when they turned violent that authorities came running.

When responding to the accusations, Kgosi Sechele told his people that they never come to meetings when he calls them. He said this tendency is what makes his people miss out on valuable and important information. Kgosi

Sechele reminded his people that no matter how angry and sad they are, trampling all over the law is the last thing they should be doing. Reminding them that no one is above the law, he said if they break the law, there will be consequences. He advised his people to let the police do their job, adding that regardless of how long it takes, convicted murderers will face the wrath of the law.





Dikgang Publishing