

BY RACHEL RADITSEBE reathing is an art, a very scientific art that is more than just inhaling and exhaling air.

BY SUN REPORTER Diarrhoea can cause a lot of

to help oxygen from the air we breathe enter the red cells in the blood.

“They then carry oxygen around the body to be used by every cell in our body. The lungs also help the body to get rid of CO² when we breathe “Breathing has always been a part of our wellness out. Extra oxygen in the blood stream stimulates arsenal, but somehow as one She grows urges the older, person with the excretory these system, thereby clearing the body of

symptoms to seek urgent medical help. breathing becomes less and less scientific. It harmful toxins. There It also are provides a lot of health additional complicavitality.t“ioHnasvtehaytocuomeveewritsheebneinagboavbeyrwberiegahtth. energy Pedal edema is the medical term

becomes shallow, and we begin to breathe in the and e”? health experts use to refer to swollenfeet.Thcheeresta,rerasethverralthcoannditthioenstomacThh,e”rexaprleaainneudmYboegraof One of them is swollen feet. The extra coSnedbiitnioansasks rhetorically. In and out, deep and

weight creates extra pressure and strain that usuaIllnysctaruscetoferetatoAsrwteollfsLuicvhing,thPatuclainecaSuesbe ipnoao.r functioneinvgeonf,tshleow, easy and calm. If you look closely, you

on your feet, and can make standing as pregnanc“yM, inajunryysatnrdeswsarlkeilnagtefdorailmkeidnntesy, winhceluthdeinrgpihnyflsaim- mawtioilnl saenedthatanitdiwsanlkoitngthuenccohmefsotrtahbalte oisr rpiasiinnfugl.and long distacnacle,sm, aemnotnagl orthemrs.otional, may kidney be damage. caused by improper falling, rathCeronistisitsentht persetsosumrealcehad. sTtowpeuatkeitnemdore However, there are instances when Any of these conditions will interfere breathing, and fortunately, they can be precisely, it is tendons the diaphragm, and ligaments, the issues muscle with between the your feet swell; yet, you are neither with the kidney’s major role which is easily reversed by adopting ankles, the abdominal posterior tibial cavity, tendonitis which moves. and

balancing natural fluids breathing in the body. tThheecinhdeis-t and pregnant, nor injured and the furthest swelling among others. you mechanisms." have walked is from your vidual then usually ends up expeNrioenwc,- compare this with your own style of

According to Dr Agatha Madabe, living room Breathing couch to the properly fridge. increainsegsstwheelllinugnignsoctahpearcpiatryts ofbtrheabtohdiny g. Chances are that you will find that it

hormonal changes caused by ovulation, Accordtionggteot DmroHreagoaxreygTean.yaThla,e lungs’ including main the function feet. is differs. If you

contraception are like most or hormone people, medication your upper pedal edema is caused by fluid in the Another critical condition that

can also contribute to swelling in various tissues, either caused by something causes feet to swell is cirrhosis of the parts of the body, including feet. local to the swollen area such as an liver. Conditions such as Hepatitis B


To relieve the swelling she advises injury or inflammation, or from the and C or alcoholism cause the liver

that one drink enough water, reduce body’s retention of water. to become scarred which interferes

salt intake and exercise to help with “Whether the swelling is slight or with blood flow to and in the liver.

circulation. considerable, it is always an indication This causes high blood pressure in the

She further notes that different medication that something is not right. veins going into the liver which leads can also cause feet to swell. For Normally if one foot is swollen, to swelling not only in the legs and feet

example, drugs mainly prescribed for something is wrong with the foot. but also in the abdomen.

diabetics make it harder to get sodium If both feet are swollen, it is not the out of

BY the RACHEL body, which RADITSEBE leads to swelling. feet, but water retention caused by Also, heart drugs known as direct various conditions some of which are vasodilators can also cause swelling. serious and should serve as red flags “VaAsolmdiloatsiotna”mmeaonns the idnrutgoshite,lpad

to a larger health issue and thus the openburpeatkheobflodoidarvrehssoeelsatocomnatkine ue

need to see a doctor,” she explains. bloodthflroowumghortehfereceolyu. Enxtarmy,pkleisllairneg o

Lonitheunn(dmrineodxsidmil)oarnedreAcperievsionlignetre (hydralazine). Calcium channel blockers

The outbreak was first detected widen blood vessels by relaxing the

last week of August when the Hea muscles in vessel walls. This can also causenfootoict esdwealnlining,craesacsaenoafnpgeiotpenle- esp sin redcreepntournbdleorckfievres,yweahricshcopmrepvelanitnin sodiuinmg fdrioamrrhboeeinaginflGusahbeodronute oanf d s your abroedays. , Boteti, Selibe Phikwe and LympDhiaerdrheomeaais described as the

Lymlopohseedeomrawisaatecroyndsitiooonlthwaht oi ch- m curs wlehaesnt stohmretehitnigmgeosesinwr2on4ghwoituhrs. the lycmuprhsaatilcosnygstseimde, wnhaicuhsiesap,arvtoomf iti the imanmdunf evseyrs.tem. Lymphatic fluid

Heart failure

According to Dr Tanyala, foot swelling is one of the signs of heart failure. Heart failure is when your heart is unable to pump enough blood to complete the circulation process; therefore blood gets retained in the veins leading to fluid buildup.

“One should be concerned if they are also experiencing shortness of breath and if they press the feet, the skin stays indented,” the doctor explains.

Kidney failure Gout

Dr Tanyala describes gout as a form of arthritis caused by an accumulation of uric acid in the body. This uric acid can be caused by certain foods, medication and medical conditions. “When this occurs, the uric acid turns into crystals which can accumulate in the joints, causing the pain and swelling associated with a gout attack,” She explains. Symptoms of gout include pain in the big toe, ankles, heels, redness, stiffness, heat, and swelling. If one is experiencing these symptoms, is it is advisable to be reviewed by a doctor for treatment. In addition to medication, the doctor will give dietary advice to manage the problem.


carries infection-fighting white blood cells to different parts of the body. Clusters of lymph nodes throughout the body control the travel of this fluid.

But if the lymph nodes have been damaged or removed, say during surgery for cancer, the fluid will not drain properly and that causes swelling. Generally, swelling in the feet happens when the pelvic lymph nodes, which control lymph movement in your legs and feet, are injured or removed.

Blood clots

Blood clots known as deep vein thrombosis usually form when there is limited movement in the legs. “The blood clot causes pressure to increase in the affected area which then pushes the fluids in the blood out of the veins into the tissues,” Dr Madabe explains.

Blood clots are very lethal but if detected early can be treated. Those at risk of developing blood clots include the overweight, smokers, pregnant women, and those suffering from heart diseases, kidney conditions, a previous clot, cancer, or taking certain medications, such as birth control pills. Symptoms include intense pain, discomfort and swelling. The doctor advises anyone who experiences such symptoms to seek urgent medical help.

Treatment for swollen feet according to Dr Tanyala varies depending on the cause. For proper and effective treatment, she advises the individual to visit a doctor for proper evaluation and treatment. Treatment usually involves medications and lifestyle changes. Reducing salt intake and eating healthier foods can reduce fluid retention not only in the feet and ankles but also in the lungs. The sodium in salt is the biggest dietary culprit when it comes to retaining water in general.

Doctors recommend that adults take in no more than 2,300 mg of sodium every day, or about a teaspoon of salt per day. Most of the sodium people consume comes not from the salt shaker but from processed and restaurant food, where it is hidden among a list of ingredients and used as a preservative. Prime sources include cold cuts, processed snacks, frozen meals, canned soups, bread, and salad dressing. Other lifestyle changes should include exercising your muscles. “The contraction of calf muscles helps to push the blood back up to the heart. So doing calf raises, going for a walk are helpful.

“Exercising and eating healthy will also help you maintain healthy body weight which is effective in reducing putting extra weight and pressure on the feet that results in swelling. Another simple way to reduce swelling in the feet is to keep them in an elevated position to facilitate blood flow,” she says. Take breaks to move around if your work requires you to sit for long periods of time.





Dikgang Publishing